Les quatre pratiques d'un milieu ouvert

Quoique la réflexion de Michael Herman portait essentiellement sur le open space technology, les quatre principes qu’il évoque peuvent très bien servir de credo à une communauté de pratique efficace. Dave Pollard, entre autres, n’a pas manqué de le souligner. …

Les quatre pratiques en question sont les suivantes :

    1. practice of opening [pratique de l'ouverture]. it’s about willingness. willingness to see, to know, to open. it’s personal and reflective, but can be felt physically in body and charted in organizations.

    2. practice of inviting [pratique de l'invitation]. it’s about goodness. finding benefits TO others, as in what’s in it for them, and also benefits IN others, as in recognizing what they can add to the process of achieving what is desired personally in the first practice. it makes that first practice social, collective, organizational, and cultural, but also documented in invitation emails, letters, posters.

    3. practice of holding [pratique du soutien]. it’s about supporting movement and change. providing space and time, structures that support without making decisions for people, giving attention, carrying in awareness or carrying forward, holding in one’s heart or home or conference room. it creates room for others to expand, explore, experiment… to bring new things out in the world. it is simultaneously logistical, mental, and emotional.

    4. practice of practicing [pratique de la pratique]. it’s about sustaining, returning, realizing, and making real. this is action, taking a stand, making progress, going somewhere, documenting results. this implies the continuation and diffusion of the above. standing ground, staying the course, seeing things through. it is the personal and individual (I, me, my) pursuit of the good that WE invite, in the space that WE provide. It can look simply mechanical and become deeply meditative, as we go round again, starting with Opening. (note… this might also be called the practice of ‘participating,’ perhaps ‘making,’ or simply ‘doing’ or ‘changing.’ stay tuned.

Par ricochet :

Le design des communautés virtuelles

Périodique des communautés virtuelles

L’efficacité de la communauté

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